- Manufacturer: TOS Hostivař
- Description: orbital diameter 280 mm
- Orbital diameter with rising plate: 370 mm
- Headstock and tailstock tip distance: 500 mm
- Tailstock tip distance: 690 mm
- Headstock cone: metric 60 Morse 5
- Max. distance between the grinding spindle axis and the tip axis: 315 mm
- Min. distance between the grinding spindle axis and the tip axis: 75 mm
- Max. vertical distance of spindle axis: 175 mm
- Min. vertical distance of spindle axis: 55 mm
- Table setting angle in horizontal plane: 0-90°
- Fine adjustment of the table on: 0-9° scale
- Grinding spindle setting angle in plane: 0-350°
- Vertical movement of grinding spindle: 230 mm
- Manual longitudinal table move: 440 mm
- Manual crosswise table move: 240 mm
- Table area: 920x140 mm
- Grinding spindle speed: 2-stage range 2800-5600 rev/min